Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Report: Some lose homes over as little as $400

In this news article http://news.yahoo.com/report-lose-homes-over-little-400-040220408--finance.html here, the U.S Government can seize homes and sell them if you fall behind on your taxes. If I was one to believe in the U.S Government's authority to seize and sell your home to pay off your tax debt, which I do not, then the remaining money from that transaction should go to the person who owned the house that was taken. What I mean is if person A owed $5000 and their house was seized and given to a bank to sell, and the house was sold for $200,000 then person A should receive about $195,000. Any other way is robbery. Seeing this is the government I know this is not the way it is done. I am sure this will get blamed on the wrong people. This will be seen as capitalism and the free market instead of what it should be called. It should be called crony capitalism and corrupt government. It might be correct to say it is pure and simple evil on behalf of the what is called the United States of America.